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From Department Head

As evolved from primitive to modern and simple to complicated, problems that human kind faces has become sophisticated. The need for personnel that is solution-oriented, qualified and equipped with scientific/intellectual and technological virtues is ever increasing.

In order to societies have economically and socially prosperous lives, individuals should have equal opportunities and receive professional support to use those opportunities for self-realisation.

Poverty, ageing, disability, child protection, violence and crime, racism, family problems, addictions, educational problems, sexism, societal mental health, working life issues, health problems and exploitation of environment are the crucial problems for societies to tackle with. Social Work is the science that diagnoses and analyses those problems and produce social policies on personal, group and communal levels by seeking for the solution using scientific methods.

In our Department, our students’ practical experiences in field applications are encouraged/appreciated as much as their theoretical repertoire; thus the curriculum is designated accordingly. Our primary objective is to educate and train social workers with a universal point of view in the field, analyses & synthesis capability and who can undertake positions as researcher, planner, coordinator and educator. Our alumni can be considered privileged as they can work for various public and private institutions.

Beside the first and secondaty education program, our postgraduate degree program are running since 2013-2014 academic year, respectively. . Non-thesis master’s and doctoral proğrams are aimed at opening up the recent history of Considering Sakarya’s advantageous of geographical position, our city is an attractive alternative for our students. 

I hereby offer my heartfelt greetings to our alumni and prospective alumni and wish lifelong success for them.